How to Apply for SASSA SRD on WhatsApp?

How to Apply for SASSA SRD on WhatsApp in 2024?

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By Anele Zulu

Applying for the SASSA SRD R350 grant through WhatsApp is a convenient way to access this important financial relief. By using the official SASSA WhatsApp number and chatbot, South African citizens can easily submit applications and check their status in 2024. This guide provides a step-by-step guide to using WhatsApp to apply for and manage your SASSA SRD grant.

How to Apply for SASSA SRD on WhatsApp in 2024?

To Apply for SASSA SRD R350 grant on WhatsApp in 2024, all you need to do is follow the below steps.

1. Save the SASSA WhatsApp Number

The first step is to save the official SASSA WhatsApp number “0820468553” in your phone contacts. This ensures you are communicating with the legitimate SASSA chatbot for managing SRD grant applications. Fraudulent numbers should be avoided at all costs.

2. Initiate the SASSA Chat

Once you have saved the verified SASSA WhatsApp number, you need to initiate a chat by sending the message “SASSA” to the number. This will prompt the automated system to start the application process. Replying to the chatbot prompts correctly is key to successfully submitting your form.

3. Select “SRD R350 Application”

After initiating the chat, you will receive a message asking what SASSA service you require. To apply for the R350 grant, you must reply with the message “SRD R350 Application”. This tells the system you wish to start a new application.

4. Submit Your Application Details

The chatbot will then prompt you to submit the necessary details to complete the SRD application form. This includes your name, surname, ID number, contact information, bank details, and more. Ensure all details submitted are accurate.

5. Receive and Save Application Reference Number

Once your R350 grant application is successfully submitted on WhatsApp, you will receive an application reference number. It is essential to save this number to track the status of your SRD application.

6. Check Your SASSA SRD Application Status

To check the status of your submitted R350 grant application, follow the same process to initiate the SASSA WhatsApp chat using the saved number. When prompted to select a service, reply with “SRD R350 Status”.

Provide your reference number when asked. This will display an update on whether your SRD application is pending, approved, or rejected.

The SASSA SRD WhatsApp chatbot streamlines applying for this grant while allowing you to conveniently track your application status. Ensure you follow all prompts accurately for the best chance of approval. However, if you are still facing issues, you can check SASSA SRD Status on our website as well.

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