About Us


SASSA Status Check is an unofficial portal for checking the status of Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grants and other SASSA-related information in South Africa.

Our mission is to provide easy access to vital information on social assistance programs, including SASSA status reports, eligibility criteria, application procedures, and payment schedules. We cater to the diverse needs of various vulnerable groups across South Africa.

As an unofficial extension of the government’s social security agency SASSA, we aim to play a supportive role for applicants needing assistance with understanding grant status and resolutions. This aids SASSA in ensuring that eligible individuals receive the benefits they deserve.

I’m Anele Zulu, a South African social worker dedicated to serving my country’s most vulnerable. With my degree and field expertise, I empower underprivileged communities through compassionate support and tireless advocacy on this website. My goal is simplifying access to services so families can uplift themselves.

We recognize the importance of timely payments and want to ensure beneficiaries understand when they can expect to receive their funds. Support is available throughout your interaction with SASSA – I provide guidance on eligibility, applications, status reports, error resolutions, and payment schedules.

Whether you need financial aid for old age, disability, child support or other needs, I am here to serve you. Thank you for visiting SASSA Status Check, your supportive source for information on SASSA, SRD and R350 grants.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require further assistance.

Meet our team

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Sharon Lane

Sharon Lane

Marketing director

Sheila Johnson

Sheila Johnson

UI designer

Kim Wild

Kim Wild

SEO expert

George Andrews

George Andrews

SEO analysts

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